I converted the skin PlastikXP by contra to WB using skinstudio4_free.exe.
After I apply this skin after every reboot desktop composition goes off (ie. no Win-Tab candy, no taskbar thumbnails) and above all Alt-Tab window is black with only window title changing and blue square advancing..., ie. not very usable .
I need to do the sequence: 1. apply vista default skin, apply Molten skin, apply PlastikXP skin. And until next reboot.
This also happens for other converted skins.
This is very important for me that converted skins work, cause I don't personally like ones already existing in WB. Please help me, or I'll not buy WB

on Dec 02, 2007
Lots of items in vista are not going to be skinned by a converted msstyle.. you will have to use Vista compatible WB's if you want vista skinned thoroughly.
on Dec 02, 2007
Hi, I don't want to have vista skinned "thoroughly" I just care about the basic UI controls used in all programs.
After looking for a few hours for WB skins on several websites, sadly, only ones that i might like for longer that one day are in msstyles.
I think I might fiddle a bit with the converted PlastikXP, ClearLooks, Human to make them work, maybe by putting parts of them into WB one of preinstalled skins. This is all too tedious.
on Dec 02, 2007
Taskbar thumbnails, alt-tab, though basic controls need to be skinned sperately for Vista WB skins. Fortunately SKS6 makes importing these images very easy.
on Dec 02, 2007
I think priveteryan's attitude is "tedious".